JamC@m Pictures

jmcmlogo [8K]

You missed the very cheap JamC@m 1 digital camera offer from the now defunct Egghead.

I effectively purchased the camera for the $6.99 shipping charge (the rebate covered the full $79.99 price).

Rhetorical question: Do you wonder if it might be worth the $7 I spent?
Here's your chance to find out.
First, some questions for you to think about:

These pictures were captured from the JamC@m using the supplied TWAIN driver and my copy of PhotoMagic LE. They were saved at TIFF images and converted to JPEG format for the Web using PolyView's batch conversion capability.

These are unretouched outdoor images. The pictures of me are self-portraits with the camera held at arm's length (near the close end of the camera's 3 to 8 foot recommended range).
101jam [6K] 102jam [6K] 103jam [6K] 104jam [6K] 105jam [6K]

These are unretouched indoor images. Illumination is by three 60 watt bulbs in a ceiling fixture. The pennant, clock, and photograph were also lighted by a 60 watt work lamp in a white reflector.
106jam [4K] 107jam [3K] 108jam [4K]
The bright area at the right of these pictures is the window beside my desk. The blinds are nearly closed but there is still a lot of daylight coming in. These pictures were taken in "tethered" mode, where the camera takes a picture every 10 seconds or so when connected to the computer.
111jam [5K] 112jam [5K] 113jam [5K]

Bottom line for me: it was worth $6.99 to experiment with but if I were using a "real" camera, most of the images would be culled before anyone else saw them.
Get the latest TWAIN driver for the JamC@m from my collection of KidBoard/KB Gear/Jam support files.

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Pictures Copyright © 1999 John E. Carter
Last update . This page is jamcam.html
Copyright © 1999-2010 John E. Carter All Rights Reserved